Class EncoderBackedStore<K, V, SerializedType>

Class that provides a layer of abstraction over the base storage, allowing for the encoding and decoding of keys and values. It extends the BaseStore class.

Type Parameters

  • K
  • V
  • SerializedType = any

Hierarchy (view full)



keyEncoder: ((key) => string)

Type declaration

    • (key): string
    • Parameters

      • key: K

      Returns string

store: BaseStore<string, SerializedType>
valueDeserializer: ((value) => V)

Type declaration

valueSerializer: ((value) => SerializedType)

Type declaration


  • Method to delete multiple keys at once. It works with the encoded keys.


    • keys: K[]

      Array of keys to delete

    Returns Promise<void>

    Promise that resolves when the operation is complete

  • Method to get multiple keys at once. It works with the encoded keys and serialized values.


    • keys: K[]

      Array of keys to get

    Returns Promise<(undefined | V)[]>

    Promise that resolves with an array of values or undefined for each key

  • Method to set multiple keys at once. It works with the encoded keys and serialized values.


    • keyValuePairs: [K, V][]

      Array of key-value pairs to set

    Returns Promise<void>

    Promise that resolves when the operation is complete

  • Method to yield keys. It works with the encoded keys.


    • Optional prefix: string

      Optional prefix to filter keys

    Returns AsyncGenerator<string | K, any, unknown>

    AsyncGenerator that yields keys