Class representing a document loader that loads a specific file from Azure Blob Storage. It extends the BaseDocumentLoader class and implements the DocumentLoader interface.


const loader = new AzureBlobStorageFileLoader({
azureConfig: {
connectionString: "{connectionString}",
container: "{containerName}",
blobName: "{blobName}",
const docs = await loader.load();

Hierarchy (view full)





  • Method to load a specific file from Azure Blob Storage. It creates a temporary directory, constructs the file path, downloads the file, and loads the documents using the UnstructuredLoader. The loaded documents are returned, and the temporary directory is deleted.

    Returns Promise<Document[]>

    An array of documents loaded from the file in Azure Blob Storage.

  • Loads the documents and splits them using a specified text splitter.


    • splitter: TextSplitter = ...

    Returns Promise<Document[]>

    A Promise that resolves with an array of Document instances, each split according to the provided TextSplitter.